Postdoc and Project Manager Opportunities on EU-funded DOWN2EARTH Project

1 minute read

The SCI-CLAWPS Research Group is hiring a 2-year Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) to work on modelling the impacts of climate and climate change on the water balance in East African drylands. The successful candidate will join a team of researchers from Cardiff, Bristol, and 12 other institutional partners on the EU-funded DOWN2EARTH project, part of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. The position will be based in Cardiff with Michael Singer, but the successful candidate will also work closely with other colleagues across the large consortium and have extensive opportuntities for international travel.

Find the full advert here. This position may be extended beyond the 2-year time frame.

We are also hiring a 4-year Project Manager for the DOWN2EARTH project, who will serve as main liaison between all consortium members and the EU. This essential position will provide the glue for our exciting new project. This position is also based in Cardiff, but will have extensive opportuntities for international travel.

Find the full advert here.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about these positions.

You can learn more about the project here.
