Kickoff Meeting for EU-funded DOWN2EARTH Project

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A large team of researchers from Cardiff, Bristol, and 12 other institutional partners on the EU-funded DOWN2EARTH project, part of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, held their official kickoff meeting on October 13, 2020. The virtual (Zoom) event was attended by ~60 representatives from Europe and Africa, including project participants and external stakeholders. The Cardiff University Vice Chancellor, Colin Riordan, gave an inaugural address and the meeting comprised presentations on the DOWN2EARTH Project Rationale, Aims, Ethos, Participants, Horn of Africa Perspectives on Needs and Links to Sister Projects, and Project Management and Practicalities. It was followed by the first official project Management Board meeting. Overall, it was a successful day and there is a positive mood in the team with a strong motivation to decrease the gap between ambition and implementation.

You can learn more about the project here.
